ICDL 2004

Wednesday, October 20th | Thursday, October 21st | Friday, October 22nd |

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To view abstract or PDF version of each presentation please click the poster or session title.

Author Contact Information:

(Alphabetically listed using last name)
Title: Caregivers and the Education of the Mirror System
Contact: Prof. Michael Arbib
Email: arbib@usc.edu
Title: Cognitive Development in Context: Learning to Pay Attention
Contact: Prof. Christian Balkenius
Email: christian.balkenius@lucs.lu.se
Title: Cognitive foundations of conventions in social interaction
Contact: Dr. Dale Barr
Email: dale.barr@ucr.edu
Title: Information maximization in face processing
Contact: Dr. Marian Bartlett
Email: marni@salk.edu
Title: Intrinsically Motivated Learning of Hierarchical Collections of Skills
Contact: Prof. Andrew Barto
Email: barto@cs.umass.edu
Title: Small-world Network Properties and the Emergence of Social Cognition: Evidence from Functional Studies of Autism
Contact: Matthew Belmonte
Email: belmonte@mit.edu
Title: Modularity and Specialized Learning: Reexamining Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence
Contact: Dr. Joanna Bryson
Email: J.J.Bryson@bath.ac.uk
Title: Neural correlates of social referencing
Contact: Dr. Leslie Carver
Email: ljcarver@ucsd.edu
Title: Texture Segmentation in 2D vs. 3D: Did 3D Developmentally Precede 2D?
Contact: Prof. Yoonsuck Choe
Email: choe@tamu.edu
Title: Color perception in sensorimotor theory, or what do we really perceive?
Contact: Dr. Olivier Coenen
Email: coenen@csl.sony.fr
Title: Solving Complex Problems Using Hierarchically Stacked Neural Networks Modeled on Behavioral Developmental
Contact: Dr. Michael Lamport Commons
Email: commons@tiac.net
Title: Modeling Cognitive Development in the Human Brain
Contact: Andrew Coward
Email: andrewc@cs.anu.edu.au
Title: Learning by Imitation, Reinforcement and Verbal Rules in Problem Solving Tasks
Contact: Mr. Frédéric Dandurand
Email: F.Dandurand@sympatico.ca
Title: An explanation of complex cell development by information separation
Contact: Dr. Akira Date
Email: date@nict.go.jp
Title: Attention-Sharing In Human Infants From 5 to 10 Months Of Age In Naturalistic Interactions
Contact: Gedeon Deák
Email: deak@cogsci.ucsd.edu
Title: Development Of Face Processing In Autism: A Look Into Spatial Frequencies and The Inversion Effect.
Contact: Dr. Christine Deruelle
Email: chris@lnf.cnrs-mrs.fr
Title: A Model of Frame and Verb Compliance in Language Acquisition
Contact: Dr. Rutvik Desai
Email: rudesai@cs.indiana.edu
Title: Developmental Stages of Perception and Language Acquisition in a Physically Grounded Robot
Contact: Dr. Peter Ford Dominey
Email: dominey@isc.cnrs.fr
Title: The perception of direct gaze in human infants
Contact: Dr. Teresa Farroni
Email: t.farroni@bbk.ac.uk
Title: Developmental Connectivity Schemes and Their Performance Implications
Contact: Mr. Andrew Felch
Email: afelch@uci.edu
Title: RUBI: A Robotic Platform for Real-time Social Interaction
Contact: Mr. Bret Fortenberry
Email: bret@fortenberry.com
Title: An imaging study on human action selection using hierarchical rules
Contact: Mr. Hidefumi Funakoshi
Email: hidefu-f@is.naist.jp
Title: Simulating Development in a Real Robot
Contact: Mr. Gabriel Gomez
Email: gomez@ifi.unizh.ch
Title: Machine Emotional Intelligence: A Novel Method for Analysis of Spoken Affect
Contact: Irina Gorodnitsky
Email: igorodni@cogsci.ucsd.edu
Title: Development of emotional facial processing: Event-related brain potentials to happy and angry facial
expressions in 7-month-old infants and adults

Contact: Mr. Tobias Grossmann
Email: grossman@eva.mpg.de
Title: Comparing emotional expressions using eyes or mouths: a perceptual advantage in autism?
Contact: Dr. Angelique Hendriks
Email: aw.hendriks@ped.kun.nl
Title: On Language and Age of Acquisition
Contact: Dr. Arturo Hernandez
Email: aehernandez@uh.edu
Title: Are you synching what I’m synching? Modeling infants’ real-time detection of audiovisual contingencies between face and voice
Contact: Dr. George Hollich
Email: ghollich@purdue.edu
Title: Cross-Task Learning by a Developmental Robot
Contact: Mr. Xiao Huang
Email: huangxi4@msu.edu
Title: Communicative behavior to the android robot in human infants -Preliminary report-
Contact: Prof. Shoji Itakura
Email: itakura@psy.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Title: Joint attention between a humanoid robot and users in imitation game
Contact: Mr. Masato Ito
Email: masato@pdp.crl.sony.co.jp
Title: A Virtual Reality Platform for Studying Cognitive Development
Contact: Mr. Hector Jasso
Email: hjasso@cs.ucsd.edu
Title: A Development Approach for Socially Interactive Humanoid Robot
Contact: Dr. Takayuki Kanda
Email: kanda@atr.jp
Title: Attention detection and manipulation between autonomous four-legged robots
Contact: Dr. Frederic Kaplan
Email: kaplan@csl.sony.fr
Title: Neuromodulation and open-ended development
Contact: Dr. Frederic Kaplan
Email: kaplan@csl.sony.fr
Title: MESO: Perceptual Memory to Support Online Learning in Adaptive Software
Contact: Eric Kasten
Email: kasten@cse.msu.edu
Title: A toy-like robot in the playroom for children with developmental disorder
Contact: Dr. Hideki Kozima
Email: xkozima@nict.go.jp
Title: Object recognition, Adaptive Behavior and Learning in Brain-Based Devices
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Krichmar
Email: krichmar@nsi.edu
Title: Why do animals make their play more difficult?
Contact: Stan Kuczaj
Email: s.kuczaj@usm.edu
Title: Cumulative Learning of Hierarchical Skills
Contact: Pat Langley
Email: langley@csli.stanford.edu
Title: Learning gaze following in space: a computational model
Contact: Mr. Boris Lau
Email: cs@bolau.de
Title: Pathological brain growth patterns in Autism, and catastrophic interference in establishing long-distance connectivity
Contact: John Lewis
Email: jdlewis@cogsci.ucsd.edu
Title: Facial Expression in Social Interactions: Automatic Evaluation of Human-Robot Interaction.
Contact: Dr. Gwen Littlewort
Email: gwen@mplab.ucsd.edu
Title: Using a Robot to Reexamine Looking Time Experiments
Contact: Mr. Andrew Lovett
Email: Andrew.Lovett@yale.edu
Title: Learning to Recognize and Reproduce Abstract Actions from Proprioception
Contact: Prof. Karl MacDorman
Email: kfm@ed.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Title: An Emergent Framework for Self-Motivation in Developmental Robotics
Contact: Dr. James Marshall
Email: marshall@cs.pomona.edu
Title: RobotCub: An Open Research Initiative in Embodied Cognition
Contact: Dr. Giorgio Metta
Email: pasa@dist.unige.it
Title: Kinesthetic-visual matching and consciousness of self and other: How social minds are possible
Contact: Dr. Robert W. Mitchell
Email: robert.mitchell@eku.edu
Title: How children understand other's belief before they develop attentional flexibility?
Contact: Mr. Yusuke Moriguchi
Email: yusukemoriguchi@yahoo.co.jp
Title: Finding People by Contingency: An Infomax Controller Approach
Contact: Dr. Javier Movellan
Email: movellan@mplab.ucsd.edu
Title: Detecting Contingency Between Self and Other Triggers Social Behavior
Contact: Yukie Nagai
Email: yukie@nict.go.jp
Title: Explaining Eye Movements During Learning as an Active Sampling Process
Contact: Mr. Jonathan Nelson
Email: jnelson@cogsci.ucsd.edu
Title: Motion Recognition and Generation for Humanoid based on Visual-Somatic Field Mapping
Contact: Mr. Masaki Ogino
Email: ogino@er.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Title: EEG dynamics during self-produced emotion feeling-states
Contact: Dr. Julie Onton
Email: julie@sccn.ucsd.edu
Title: Social Dynamics: The Voice of Power and Influence
Contact: Prof. Alex Pentland
Email: pentland@media.mit.edu
Title: On-Line Cumulative Learning of Hierarchical Sparse n-grams
Contact: Karl Pfleger
Email: kpfleger@cs.stanford.edu
Title: Learning to manipulate objects: A quantitative evaluation of Motionese
Contact: Dr. Katharina J. Rohlfing
Email: kjr@uni-bielefeld.de
Title: Can Robotic Brains be Social? Scientists Caught Back-peddling
Contact: Dr. Colin Schmidt
Email: Colin.Schmidt@univ-lemans.fr
Title: Mu rhythm modulation during intentional and unintentional human and robot actions
Contact: Ms. Lindsay Shenk
Email: lshenk@psy.ucsd.edu
Title: Project PRAKÄSH: Development of object perception following long-term visual deprivation
Contact: Prof. Pawan Sinha
Email: psinha@mit.edu
Title: Young children's understanding of perception and false belief: Hiding objects from others.
Contact: Dr. Manuel Sprung
Email: Manuel.Sprung@sbg.ac.at
Title: Exact Inference in Robots Using Topographical Uncertainty Maps
Contact: Mr. Josh Susskind
Email: josh@mplab.ucsd.edu
Title: To Care or Not to Care: Analyzing the Caregiver in a Computational Gaze Following Framework
Contact: Dr. Christof Teuscher
Email: christof@teuscher.ch
Title: A Theory of Developmental Architecture
Contact: Prof. Juyang Weng
Email: weng@cse.msu.edu
Title: The emotional brain in autism : cerebral correlates of abnormal explicit processing of emotional information
Contact: Dr. Bruno Wicker
Email: bwicker@lnf.cnrs-mrs.frF
Title: Cross-anchoring for binding tactile and visual sensations via unique association through self-perception
Contact: Mr. Yuichiro Yoshikawa
Email: yoshikawa@er.ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Title: A Unified Model of Early Word Learning: Integrating Statistical and Social Cues
Contact: Mr. Chen Yu
Email: yu@cs.rochester.edu
Title: Four Blobs: "Y" or Face?
Contact: Ms. Lingyun Zhang
Email: lingyun@cs.ucsd.edu
Title: Sparse Regression via the Winner-Take-All Networks
Contact: Mr. Nan Zhang
Email: nanzhang@egr.msu.edu

In compiling the conference presentations, we have tried to ensure that this CD gives an accurate representation of the original abstracts. Towards that end, these abstracts were taken directly from the database created when presenters at ICIS 2004 submitted their original work. Accordingly, due to vagaries in computer systems, some characters of some abstracts may have gotten garbled or modified in this process; as such, there may be some mistranslations or omissions that have escaped our proofreading. When using one of these abstracts in an important context, we would strongly advise checking with the author.